公司管玮副教授撰写的学术论文“Speech Representation Used by Mandarin Chinese-Speaking Children Aged Three to Six Years”在《Journal of Child Language》2023年第2期发表。
This study investigates how Mandarin Chinese-speaking children use Mandarin Chinese, a language lacking tense markers, to represent characters' speech in their story narratives. Eighty participants, from three to six years of age, completed an elicited narrative task based on a wordless picture book. The representing forms and signals that they employed in representing activities were assessed. The results showed a significant age-related increase in the overall use of speech representation by the cohort of children. Regarding representing forms, direct representation exhibited its expected dominance among all age groups, and its presence in children's narratives grew significantly with age. Concerning representing signals, shuo 'say' was the most prevalent across all ages and susceptible to significant age effects, and, with advancing age, children's representing signals expanded from single verbs to more complex syntactic constructions. In addition, no significant gender effects were observed regarding the representing forms or signals that Mandarin-speaking childrenused.

管玮,副教授。获得浙江大学英语语言文学专业学、硕、博士学位。主要研究兴趣:话语分析。曾在System, Discourse Studies, Discourse & Society,《外国语》,《解放军伟德BETVlCTOR1946学报》等杂志发表论文十余篇。目前主持教育部课题1项,参与完成国家社科基金项目1项,主持完成省规划课题1项,市哲社规划课题2项,省社科联课题1项,校级课题2项。参编教材《外研社英语语法大全》。曾受国家留基委资助赴英国曼彻斯特大学访学。主要担任《大学英语》、《研究生英语》和《英语语言学概论》等课程教学工作。